Less Exercise, More Sex

If you want more sex, then you should stop going to gym.

1) Most boys love to go to gym to look physically attractive to impress girls, but there's a bad news for you boys...if you will go to gym regularly then you will miss the fun of having good sex.

2) According to a recent research carried by researchers of University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, US, it has been found that men who go to gym have less active sex life.

3) As per the study, the men who workout rigorously energetically have a lower sexual dive than those who do lower intensity exercise.

4) Each of the respondants were than categorised on the basis of their duration of workout- light, moderate or intense. Also, their sexual willingness was categorised into high, moderate and low sexuality.

5) It has been also figured out that the people who exercise less have more desire of sex.

6) Boys who go to gym reach to a point where they are tired enough that no more stamina is left for having sex or lose interest in it.

7) Lead researcher Anthony Hackney, a professor of exercise physiology and nutrition concluded that who perform less intense workout had a higher sexual urge.

8) A study was published in the journal Medicine & Science In Sports & Exercise, read "Exposure of high levels of chronic intense and greater duration of endurance training on a regular basis are significantly associated with a decreased libido scores in men."


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